Company Name : Tacel Ltd.

Company Type: Manufacturer, Distributor

One of Canada's leading suppliers of traffic control equipment and systems, including ATC controllers, Traffic Management Systems, Traffic Management Cabinet Assemblies, Audible Pedestrian Systems (APS), above ground detection systems, UPS Systems, mounting hardware and more.

Tacel Ltd. offers the following Products:

Kevan Correia, President
Tacel Ltd
1148 Bellamy Road North
Scarborough ON M1H 1H2
Toll Free: 877-750-4646 x1, 503
Office: 416-750-4646
Fax: 416-750-4649

Gil Marques, Vice-President of Sales
Tacel Ltd
1148 Bellamy Road North
Scarborough ON M1H 1H2
Phone: 4167504646 x502
Toll Free: 877-750-4646
Fax: 416-750-4649

Steven Gauthier, National Sales Manager
Tacel Ltd
1148 Bellamy Road North
Scarborough ON M1H 1H2
Phone: 4167504646 x504
Toll Free: 877-750-4646
Fax: 416-750-4649