Company Name : Atlantic Industries Limited

Company Type: Manufacturer, Distributor

Atlantic Industries Limited (AIL) has a long history of creating innovative solutions in corrugated steel. Since 1965, AIL has been engineering high quality, durable corrugated steel products for major industries like transportation, hydro, mining and forestry. Our solutions come in a variety of sizes, ranging from culverts and sewers to tunnels, bridges, underpasses and stream enclosures.

Our reputation is forged not only on the success of our products, but in the engineering innovation and reliable service we provide to our customers. We support our customers by providing leading-edge project management, innovative problem-solving, dependable service in the field and competitive pricing.

Dale Gaston, President
Atlantic Industries Limited
640 Waydom Drive
Ayr ON N0B 1E0
Phone: 519-622-8600 x55101
Cellular: 519-573-4410
Fax: 519-622-1372