
Manufactured by Tensar International Corporation
Brand: Tensar

SierraScape features a mechanical connection between the wire forms and the HDPE geogrid reinforcement to assure long-term structural integrity. The wire forms are hot dip galvanized per ASTM A-123. The galvanized struts also provide a locking
mechanism for the mechanical connection to the geogrid reinforcement. The maximum angle is 90 degrees, maximum 8 metre wall height, low appearance (stone face) and low performance, demo status.

Structures and Structural | Retained Soil Systems (RSS) | Wall / Slope

Certifications: MTO DSM

Paul Hewgill, Regional Manager, Eastern Canada
Tensar International Corporation
PO Box 152
51 Community Centre Rd
Baltimore ON K0K 1C0
Cellular: 416-428-6121
Fax: 905-372-1179