Preformed Silicone Bridge Joint Seal and Adhesive

Manufactured by R.J. Watson Inc.
Brand: Silicoflex Bridge Deck Joint Sealing Systems

100% preformed silicone gland held in place by single component Silicone Locking Adhesive. No need for shop drawing or expensive fabrication, temperature insensitive, ultra-violet/ozone resistant, no possibility of cohesive failure, models SF150, SF225, SF400.

Structures and Structural | Joints | Expansion
Structures and Structural | Joints | Expansion | Components
Structures and Structural | Joints | Seal, Preformed

Certifications: PMC - Accepted for Use

  • Ontario Provincial Standards
    • OPSS.PROV 920 - Deck Joint Assemblies, Preformed Seals, Joint Fillers, Joint Seals, Joint Sealing Compounds, and Waterstops - Structures
  • ASTM International

Ron Watson, President
R.J. Watson Inc.
11035 Walden Ave.,
Alden NY 14004
Office: 716-901-7020
Fax: 716-901-7015