Lightweight Fill - IZOROUTE

Manufactured by Fransyl Ltée
Brand: Fransyl IZOROUTE

Moulded, rigid, expanded polystyrene blocks for use as lightweight fill in road embankments. Custom sized to meet designer specifications (commonly 600 mm x 1220 mm x 2440 mm). Standard minimum compression 110 Kpa @ 5% and other defined compression standards available. MORE INFO

Grading | Lightweight Materials | Type I - Embankment Fill (EF)
Grading | Lightweight Materials | Type II - Structure Backfill (SF)

Certifications: PMC - Accepted for Use MTO DSM

  • ASTM International
    • ASTM C177-10 - Steady-State Heat Flux Measurements and Thermal Transmission Properties by Means of the Guarded-Hot-Plate Apparatus
    • ASTM C203-05a(2012) - Breaking Load and Flexural Properties of Block-Type Thermal Insulation
    • ASTM D1621-10 - Compressive Properties Of Rigid Cellular Plastics
    • ASTM D2126-09 - Response of Rigid Cellular Plastics to Thermal and Humid Aging
    • ASTM D2842-12 - Water Absorption of Rigid Cellular Plastics
    • ASTM D2863-12 - Measuring the Minimum Oxygen Concentration to Support Candle-Like Combustion of Plastics (Oxygen Index)
  • Other Standards
    • CAN/ULC-S701-11 - Thermal Insulation, Polystyrene, Boards and Pipe Covering